
thanks for visiting my photography blog! i hope you will enjoy my journey through my addiction of photography! i love to look at the world through the lens of a camera and capture memories with one press of a button! please visit my website: www.elisabethbrysonphotography.zenfolio.com for photo session information. from babies to seniors, from families to your special event...i hope to see you soon!

focused on memories,
elisabeth x0

Sunday, December 18, 2011

It's been a long time, my friends!

Leaving Freetown, Sierra Leone and driving to Bo

My husband with precious Amanatu

Our team and the amazing Child Rescue Center children and Aunties! We loved these kids so much...was so hard to say goodbye!

Well, my friends, i have been quite busy these last few weeks~ photo shoots, Christmas card orders, but most importantly....

i have taken a trip of a lifetime with my husband to Sierra Leone, Africa for 17 days, in November. we were a part of a seven member team. five were from VA where we met up in Brussels and flew over to Africa.

the organization that oversees these trips was Helping Children Worldwide. www.helpingchildrenworldwide.org please check out their website for more information on how you can get involved and volunteer!

we spent most of our time in a small town called Bo. we volunteered at the Child Rescue Center and hung out with the children! scott even got to teach them the game of American Flag football! these children were a gift from God...

we also assisted in medical outreaches to villages where we helped test for HIV and Malaria. the people in these villages were so happy to see us, and they made us feel so welcome. it was touching to be there and to help them.

another outreach was visiting an amputee village. we listened to their concerns and helped to answer questions on first aid and fire safety. (our team leader, Steve, is a firefighter and first responder) We heard their number one need was to have a well for their village... i still can not brush my teeth without thinking how we take our clean water for granted. we can just turn on a faucet and have water. those people had to walk miles just to pump water from the town well. they said " people laugh at them when they go into town." remember these people were damaged from their civil war...

there were so many things to mention in a blog...

So please take some time to watch the video of our experience. I hope it will touch you, and fire you up to somehow go out and do something small for that someone needing you....

even if it is just a simple smile.

God Bless!

click below to view the video.

additional video prepared for the Gainesville Grizzly Youth Football League in Va.
to view click below.

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