
thanks for visiting my photography blog! i hope you will enjoy my journey through my addiction of photography! i love to look at the world through the lens of a camera and capture memories with one press of a button! please visit my website: www.elisabethbrysonphotography.zenfolio.com for photo session information. from babies to seniors, from families to your special event...i hope to see you soon!

focused on memories,
elisabeth x0

Friday, September 2, 2011

Fun with Lighting

shot inside Dover Castle. it was the banquet hall. perfectly dark in most spots, except by the window. with the screen pulled, it made for an interesting silhouette shot!
drama queen daughter + low backlight = great shot! (ISO 400, 5.6, 1/10)

this was shot at the norwich cathedral. this was in the courtyard where the sun was beautiful and bright! again, with no flash and a lot of back light, you can accomplish a nice contrasting photo.
(ISO 400, f/8, 1/1000)

Dover Castle, UK (ISO 400, f/7.1, 1/6400)

as you can see all three of these photos have one thing in common. BACKLIGHT! sometimes this can be a good thing if you want an interesting photo. the way to capture this is to shoot directly into the sun, or a back lit subject. make sure you do not use a flash!

Have fun and click away!

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