
thanks for visiting my photography blog! i hope you will enjoy my journey through my addiction of photography! i love to look at the world through the lens of a camera and capture memories with one press of a button! please visit my website: www.elisabethbrysonphotography.zenfolio.com for photo session information. from babies to seniors, from families to your special event...i hope to see you soon!

focused on memories,
elisabeth x0

Monday, June 20, 2011

Kailey! sneak peek senior portraits in NC

what a lovely afternoon out in NC! it was great to be back in the south with such a sweet and beautiful southern belle...carolina girls, best in the world! (PS, that is where i call home!)

the locations that were chosen for the shoot were perfect with the many outfits that were worn. and the shoes...um, to die for!!! oh and the lighting was brought to you by: my lovely assistant, and sister n law! great job anna! just the right touch we needed to "move the sunlight"...

photo tips: when in the field, think of ways to be creative and to capture that moment... we decided to take photos with Kailey's car, and thought the middle of the road was a neat idea. glad we didn't get a ticket, seeing that we were basically shooting beside the police station!

i seem to always take horizontal shots when shooting one subject. don't forget to move your camera from vertical to horizontal and even throw in a few other angles!

thanks Kailey! it was such a blast! good luck in your senior year!


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