
thanks for visiting my photography blog! i hope you will enjoy my journey through my addiction of photography! i love to look at the world through the lens of a camera and capture memories with one press of a button! please visit my website: www.elisabethbrysonphotography.zenfolio.com for photo session information. from babies to seniors, from families to your special event...i hope to see you soon!

focused on memories,
elisabeth x0

Monday, June 20, 2011

more of precious AVA!

those eyes are just breathtaking...

couldn't pass up these twinkle toes!

baby gap in the future? i believe so!

what a joy to spend time with this little bundle of joy!
children have a special place in my heart!

Kailey! sneak peek senior portraits in NC

what a lovely afternoon out in NC! it was great to be back in the south with such a sweet and beautiful southern belle...carolina girls, best in the world! (PS, that is where i call home!)

the locations that were chosen for the shoot were perfect with the many outfits that were worn. and the shoes...um, to die for!!! oh and the lighting was brought to you by: my lovely assistant, and sister n law! great job anna! just the right touch we needed to "move the sunlight"...

photo tips: when in the field, think of ways to be creative and to capture that moment... we decided to take photos with Kailey's car, and thought the middle of the road was a neat idea. glad we didn't get a ticket, seeing that we were basically shooting beside the police station!

i seem to always take horizontal shots when shooting one subject. don't forget to move your camera from vertical to horizontal and even throw in a few other angles!

thanks Kailey! it was such a blast! good luck in your senior year!


Sunday, June 19, 2011

farewell Hobbs family! sneak peek

it was my pleasure capturing the "Abbey Road Crossing" shot for the Hobbs family! despite the london rain in the morning, we made it work in the afternoon! what a beautiful family!!
we will miss you in london! good luck on your move back to america!

photo tip: when shooting at the Abbey road crossing... don't get hit by a big red bus!

No Horsing Around! sneak peek riding lesson

beautiful rider and beautiful Alethea! it was a pleasure taking photos of Alethea's riding lesson in London! i am pleased to be able to capture one of her last lessons in London! farewell, Alethea! best wishes in America! you and your family will be missed!!!


photo tip: during the lesson, the lighting was tricky since we were in a covered riding ring. no flash was used, because the horse may not have like me very much if i tried that! so, i used my favorite lens 70-200 f2.8 and set it on A (aperture) setting. this allowed the shutter speed to change with the motion, but kept my aperture at 2.8 (the lowest possible on this camera). setting the aperture at the lowest possible setting allowed for the most lighting for the camera. i set my ISO at range from 250-400. it was a joy to be out in nature and out of the city for a moment!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Baby blue eyes

stunning, beautiful, precious, breathtaking...

"Children are a gift from God...they are His reward" Psalm 127:3

Monday, June 13, 2011

Laura, sneak peek- senior portraits!

it was such a pleasure taking senior pics with the beautiful senior, Laura! we had picture perfect weather...despite the gusty wind on the river! Congratulations Laura on your upcoming graduation!

ps, Laura, you should definitely be a model...especially for hair! all the wind and it still looked perfect!

xo, elisabeth

'Bar Mitzvah' sneak peek

cell... laa. bration! what an exciting evening! this was a blast watching everyone have such an amazing time! Thanks Nanette for allowing me to capture your son's celebration!
