
thanks for visiting my photography blog! i hope you will enjoy my journey through my addiction of photography! i love to look at the world through the lens of a camera and capture memories with one press of a button! please visit my website: www.elisabethbrysonphotography.zenfolio.com for photo session information. from babies to seniors, from families to your special event...i hope to see you soon!

focused on memories,
elisabeth x0

Monday, May 30, 2011

"Football" sneak peek

it was just a joy at this shoot! what a great little player...with a precious smile!

now booking on location sports sessions!

photo tip: during this session, these were shot on an ISO of 200, 320, and 400. even though the lighting was about perfect...(cloudy), i still put my ISO a little higher, to make sure the shutter speed would be faster. (it ranged from 1/1250-1/3200). i also shot on aperture priority, so that i would not have to constantly keep changing for the motion. the aperture was set at f 2.8, and the focal length ranged from 70-200. also, i shot some standing, and then some sitting low to the ground. always keep moving to change up the angles and backgrounds.

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