
thanks for visiting my photography blog! i hope you will enjoy my journey through my addiction of photography! i love to look at the world through the lens of a camera and capture memories with one press of a button! please visit my website: www.elisabethbrysonphotography.zenfolio.com for photo session information. from babies to seniors, from families to your special event...i hope to see you soon!

focused on memories,
elisabeth x0

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

low light shooting

if you are shooting indoor sports...good luck! :) basketball is not one of my favorite sports to shoot, due to the low light and fast motion. but, sometimes motion can be a good thing and make for an interesting shot. remember you can always bump your iso up on your camera to allow you to set a faster shutter speed. also, check the white balance setting...it may need to be set for an inside gym. don't be afraid to move your settings and take some sample shots. it was a great season of basketball...now it's time to move outdoors and get ready for some good ole American baseball!

1 comment:

  1. Ryan here - awesome work! Anytime you can comment w/ tips on how you got the shot would be great. I'm trying to become a better photographer, but I'm pretty clueless when it comes to camera settings!
